On August 4th we hung a new show at the Arbor Gallery in Vankleek Hill, Ontario. This is exhibition is the first group show for the 7 Works Collective. Our story is as follows...
"The 7 Works Collective Artists had plans in 2020 to travel to Toronto Island for an Artists' Residency. But, as often happened in 2020, well laid plans were derailed due to the COVID pandemic. Unable to attend the Artists' Residency in person, the seven artists did their best to adapt to the situation and made plans to regularly "meet" virtually to see what we were all working on. It was during one of these meetings the plan was hatched to challenge each other to biweekly art prompts. Each artist would show a work of art in their medium and the remaining 6 artists would create a piece in their own medium based on the visual prompt. Each artists' response is in their own voice."
There was a casual meet & greet after the exhibition was installed. On Sunday August 28 you can meet the artists and learn about this Artists' Residency that was re-worked to keep the group creative during the roller coaster past few years. It is at this exhibition where the artists have, for the first time, viewed our work all together hanging in this beautiful gallery.
Come and meet us on Sunday August 28 between 3-4pm. Click here to buy the 96 page book about the exhibition. Comments are closed.
Catherine Gutsche
I am preoccupied by the intuitive journey that paint takes me on with its colour and texture when working with layers that can be revealed through scratching back, rubbing away or lifting, to bring back the history of the previous layers. Archive